Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 22, 2015

Dear Family ,
Well this week was a good week, we are defintly counting down now.
Lots of unexected things happened this week. I guess I will start with
Saturday, it was the craziest day. The morning was just a normal
morning , but getting close to 5:30 we looked out at the sky after a
lesson and it was just pitch black, it looked like we were about to
get hit with a Hurricane. We had a member with us and he started
freaking out saying that it wasn’t normal and that we needed to head
home immediately. Well I wanted to at least stop by one more guy named
Felix to at least check up on him and remind him for church. Well right
as we reached his place the sky opened up and just started pouring
rain. We decided we needed to get back to the apartment to make sure
everything was alright. Me and Forrest took off and we could barley
see 10 feet in front of us because the rain was so heavy. It was a
blast riding through it all. We got to the apartment and Elder Uzoho
and Vandehei were there and we looked at the gutter and it was already
all the way full. I was certain that we were going to face some floods
again. Luckily the rained slowed down, it rained all night but it was
a small little drizzle so the gutter went down and it was safe. While
all this was happening I got a call from President Hill about what was
happening at transfers. I got thrown a curve ball. I am being
transferred for my last 2 weeks to go down to Adowogiri, it is right
next to Nsawam where I first served to be a ZL down there with Elder
Terry. The area and companion will be sweet, but I am just not sure
how I feel going to a new area for like 10 days. I guess I don’t
understand it, I was just expecting to finish my mission in
Northridge. I guess we will see what the lord has in store for me down
there. It is going to seem just like a little visit and then I will be
packing back up to head to the air port. We told bishop yesterday and
when he heard he called President Hill strait and told him to leave me
here for the last 2 weeks because they wanted to send me off,  and so
because he called him he didn’t give me a chance to say goodbye to the
ward because he thinks that I will have another chance so I hope so. I
called President and proposed to him that maybe I could come up and
worship with the Northridge ward my last Sunday and then just stay up
here until I go, so I guess we will see what happens. Either way,
things are going to be changing and it should be an interesting 2
weeks so we will see how it  goes. I just really want to have a chance
to say goodbye to the ward and to finish with them. We had a great
week this week at sacrament meeting to, we had 7 investigators come.
Ones name is Bob Cole and for him, he cant walk. He has disabled legs,
and so how he gets around is a tricicle looking thing, he peddles it
with his hands and just goes. I was so happy to see him there, he
peddled quite a ways to come to church but he made it and he loved it
and says he is coming every week with his son. That was really cool to
see, then we had a guy who we rescued in the flood come who is also a
Liberian, so I was really happy to see them coming. It has kind of hit
me this week how close I am to going. Most times when you go on
transfer you are bummed to leave behind you investigators who are
progressing but what cheers you up is to know that you have more ahead
of you. This time, I am leaving behind a bunch of sweet people that I
have had a chance to see change and now I wont really have the chance
to be a part of somebodys conversion and it kind of sucks to be
honest. I just love being there with somebody every step of the way as
they accept the gospel , there just isnt anything to compare to it and
I am really going to miss doing this full time. What a blessing it has
been for me to be able to serve my mission. I am really going to miss
doing the work. Anyways, I hope that you all have a great week this
week, I sure do love you all. Love
Elder Bowring

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