Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 15, 2015

Dear Family,
Well to say the least this week was a little less exciting than last
week was haha, it was a really good week. At the start of the week, we
were still at the AP’s apartment and so that sucked having to go back
and forth from their apartment to our area. We had Zone Training
meeting on Tuesday which was ok haha, to be honest we weren’t the most
prepared giving our circumstances of what happened last week, but we
were able to give a decent instruction I hope. President was there so
he helped us with some stuff. It was really weird though, that was my
last Zone Training meeting on mission, so I had the chance to bear my
testimony to the zone. It is really starting to get real that I am
coming home.  After that we had a chance to just go out and do nothing
but Proselyte , it was great to finally get back to just doing normal
missionary work. Wednesday when we were out proselyting we got a call
around 3 that our apartment was all ready for us to move back into, I
was so pumped, so we went and got all of our things from the AP’s
apartment and we spent a few hours moving our stuff back in. The
apartment is a lot nicer now, they repainted it and we have all new
furniture so that is really nice. The rest of the week was just a
pretty normal week and I was just so happy to actually get back to
doing normal things. Thursday though, we had a chance to go and do
some more service, there are still people trying to clean up from all
the damage that the flood caused and what makes it even worse is that
the city isn’t flowing water. Everywhere around is like water deprived
so it makes it super tough to clean anything with little or no water.
We did have a chance to help an investigator clean out 2 of her rooms
pretty good though and they were really thankful. It is just so sad to
see all the damage that is caused here and a lot of the things that
spoiled can’t be replaced. Nobody has insurance around here and the
government can do little to help.  So I guess we just do our best to
do what we can. Sunday rolled around and we had our baptism planned
for our Investigator Bridget and at about 8 o clock it started pouring
again. I was just thinking in my head, O crap not another failed
baptism. Well it just continued raining hard and before we knew it we
looked outside and the gutter was filling up again very fast, and
before we knew it again it was all the way full about to over flow. We
were all sure that it was going to flood again, so we went inside and
threw all our stuff up on the bunk beds and put everything up high and
went to church. Luckily the rain slowed down and it didn’t flood our
apartment at all. Well we got to church and there was like nobody
there, so I was just praying my heart out that Bridget would come,
and sure enough, around 9:30 she came steppin in. I was so happy. The
baptism went really well, the water level was so low because we don’t
have running water still around the area but it all worked out. That
was probably the last baptism of my mission in reality, this is the
last week of the transfer and I do think that they will take me out
because they need to call somebody to feel my place, I still don’t
know what is going to happen to me. Whatever happens though I am going
to ask president if I can at least go to Northridge on Sundays to
worship with them so I can at least end my mission with these people
here in north ridge. Last night we had another scare with the water in
the gutter filling up again. It got to what it was about to in the
morning. There is just so much stuff clogging up the gutter that a
little bit of rain just fills it right up, to be honest I wouldn’t be
surprised if we got flooded again, but I guess we will be prepared
this time. Today was sweet to, I had a chance to go down to Nsawam and
to visit some of my RC converts. I saw Joshua, Alex and Big shoe. Big
shoes wife is really sick, she cant even walk now , I feel so bad so
if you could keep her in your prayers. It is just so just surreal to
be seeing these people for the last time, I really just love these
people so much and they have impacted my life so much. I am really
going to miss them a lot, they are for sure lifelong friends. Well , I
guess I hope you enjoy my email, you are only getting 2 more!
Love you all so much have a great week,
Love Elder Bowring

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